Interior Design Color Schemes
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Interior design color schemes can make or break a space. Many of our clients come to us when they feel paralyzed with moving forward. They fear the paint color transitions from room to room will not make sense. They feel overwhelmed with too many color choices and have made mistakes in the past - mistakes like selecting a color that was painfully bright or dreadfully dull. Color seekers often make choices based on colors they have always loved. As a result, however, sometimes that color looks frightening in vast amounts across their walls. Who wants to live with that terror? All those who want to repaint their rooms again, raise your hands! (Insert crickets chirping here.)

KC Cohn is the owner and lead designer of Room Color Schemes. As a color consultant, she also assists with the perfect paint colors for her clients and has trained other consultants as well. With over 20 years experience, KC offers many ways in which to meet client-needs: 1) In-Home Color Consulting, 2) Online Color Consulting, 3) Online Budget Design* or a combination of the above.

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*Online Budget Design is a consultation whereby decor items are chosen and presented to the client in an electronic shopping guide. Decor items may consist of lighting fixtures, furniture, rugs, artwork, accessories, and etc. The shopping guide is a fun format complete with photos, specifications and pricing. The client may order these at his/her leisure or use the guide as inspiration and select other locations to shop.

If you are looking to say “YES” when you walk into your newly painted and designed space, then you may be asking what that will take. With expertise and specialization in color, design and psychology, KC has an innate ability to thoroughly understand you and your space. Once she has a good feel for you and what you are seeking (whether you know what that is or not) she begins her journey through your space to make sure it all makes sense. KC looks at the architectural details and how the space flows. She makes it a point to understand your lighting conditions, both from the outside as well as from within. She notes all of your existing furnishings and finishes to make sure any important detail can be revealed through color and design. Whether you choose to consult with KC online or in-home, you will receive the attention that you and your space deserve. Interior design color schemes are just a click away - contact us now!

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Interior Design Color Schemes

Contact Color & Design Consultant, KC Cohn

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