Choosing Wall Colors
In-Home Color Consults

Room Color Schemes is more than just choosing wall colors for your space. It’s more than getting a great look and feel for your home with nice colors and decor.

Any amazing Interior Designer or Color Consultant can do that for you. And if ALL you want is a great looking space, I suggest you go that route.

But if what you want is a better life over the one you have now, then you’re in the right place.

What I’m most passionate about is transforming lives. 

My clients all want a better life than the one they have now. And the results they get by working with me choosing wall colors can best be described in one word: MAGICAL.

Now what does that mean exactly? 

My clients experience the following on a consistent basis, for years and years after our consult together, where coming home simply feels more like a vacation.


More relaxed and renewed

More motivated

More clear-headed and focussed

More organized

More creative

Happier with their improved relationships

More confident with their work-life and finances

Relieved to have more free-time

More loved with an active social life

More energized with improved health

Closer than ever with their friends and family

How is that all possible?

Choosing wall colors in the right way can MASSIVELY affect how you feel and what sort of action you’ll take… in a multitude of ways. 

When you’re in a space where the colors you see around you resonate on a deep level, the energy within gets released and dispersed into the Universe. That release starts to improve your day-to-day living. And that, in turn, affects the patience you have with others. Your relationships begin to evolve at another level, your energy and focus allow you to get more done at home and at work all while enjoying what you do. Pay raises, opportunities, and reaching goals - they too become attainable… simply because of the way and care that colors were chosen specifically for YOU. - - And that’s where I come in. I’ve developed a way to ensure your colors are chosen from a very deep, intuitive and energetic level to create these magical experiences for you.

BUT… what happens if you try to choose your colors alone, hire an interior designer, other color consultant, or have your friends help and end up getting the colors in your space ALL WRONG? Well, that too can affect you in ways unimaginable. Aside from all the time and money spent on your professionals and paint crew, when your colors aren’t right, you start avoiding your rooms and in-turn, your life. You become agitated thinking about how awful your home makes you feel. You start avoiding friends and family because you’re too embarrassed to invite them over. You literally lose memories and experiences you could have had with your friends and family together. Years and years can go by depriving yourself of a beautiful life. Your depleted energy begins to transfers to your kids and spouse and you wonder why everyone around you is now so irritable. Who wants to look back on that regret?

That’s why it’s so important to put the fate of choosing wall colors in a professional’s hands who understands you on an energetic and emotional level, who understands how to consult with you about your life, where you are now and where you want to go. Working together to set the intention of achieving your dreams is all part of the process. And it starts with getting the foundation in place by having colors that bring out the best in you and your family.

So if you want the freedom of more time, more money and more happiness in your life for you and your family, then reach out now. You CAN come home to a beautiful oasis that aligns magically with you. Let me know more about your project and what you’re looking for. I’ll then assess if you qualify for a breakthrough call where we’ll talk more about your needs and how we can energetically work together in choosing wall colors - the right way.

Contact Me Here to Apply for an In-Home or Online Color Consult

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